Terms of Use

Effective June 4, 2024

By using PorterInsurance.us in any manner, you agree to all terms and conditions contained or referenced in these Terms of Use. These Terms of Use apply only to your use of PorterInsurance.us and do not change or alter any other agreement or contract between you and Porter & Associates Insurance.

Porter & Associates Insurance reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify or change these Terms of Use at any time without prior notice to you. Your continued use of PorterInsurance.us following the posting of any changes to the Terms of Use constitutes acceptance of those changes.

If at any time you choose not to accept these Terms of Use, please do not use this Web site or send e-mail to any PorterInsurance.us e-mail address.

This Web site is controlled, operated and intended for use only in the United States of America. We do not represent that materials on this Web site are appropriate or made available for use outside of the United States of America.

Our Privacy Statement describes our use and protection of nonpublic personal information (“customer information”) and will help you understand how we treat the customer information that we obtain from you or other sources in the course of providing you with products and services. We urge you to read our Privacy Statement.

The information on this Web site, along with any materials (including, for example, press releases and product descriptions) is the copyrighted work of Porter & Associates Insurance and is protected under United States and worldwide copyright laws and treaty provisions.

Porter & Associates Insurance grants you permission to copy such materials so long as each copy: (i) is solely for informational, non-commercial use and is not modified or revised in any manner; (ii) plainly displays all copyright and other proprietary notices, in the same form and manner as on the original; and (iii) displays a statement that the materials are used solely with permission of Porter & Associates Insurance . To seek permission for any other use, please contact Porter & Associates Insurance .

The Porter & Associates Insurance computer network (which includes, but is not limited to, the technology and applications which support the e-mail functionality Porter & Associates Insurance provides its officers, employees, independent contractor agents, and other authorized users) is the private property of Porter & Associates Insurance .

Porter & Associates Insurance prohibits any bulk e-mail transmissions to be sent, or caused to be sent, over the Internet to PorterInsurance.us e-mail addresses unless Porter & Associates Insurance , through one of its officers, has specifically requested or authorized the sending of such bulk e-mail. For purposes of these Terms of Use, the word “bulk” shall mean an e-mail message, or group of identical or similar e-mail messages, sent to more than 20 different PorterInsurance.us addresses in any 24-hour period.

Porter & Associates Insurance also prohibits any e-mail transmissions of the following types to be sent, or caused to be sent, over the Internet to more than 5 different PorterInsurance.us e-mail addresses in any 24-hour period unless Porter & Associates Insurance , through one of its officers, has authorized the sending of such e-mail: (1) commercial advertising; (2) informational announcements; (3) political or religious tracts; or (4) solicitations for funds or donations.

Porter & Associates Insurance prohibits any e-mail transmission to be sent, or caused to be sent, over the Internet to any PorterInsurance.us e-mail addresses if the e-mail is intended to, or appears intended to, harass, embarrass, threaten, defame or impersonate any person, or if the e-mail is pornographic, offensive, indecent, discriminatory or offensive on the basis of sex, color, national origin, race, age, religion, sexual orientation or disability.

Porter & Associates Insurance prohibits any e-mail transmission to be sent, or caused to be sent, over the Internet to any PorterInsurance.us e-mail address that makes use of a forged header or deceptive addressing, or which attempts in any manner to disguise the source of the e-mail.

Porter & Associates Insurance prohibits the harvesting or collection of the e-mail addresses of Porter & Associates Insurance agents from the PorterInsurance.us web site for the purpose of sending bulk e-mail to PorterInsurance.us e-mail addresses.

Porter & Associates Insurance reserves the right to take all legal and technical steps available, including pursuing civil remedies and criminal prosecution, to prevent bulk or other prohibited e-mail from entering, utilizing or remaining within the Porter & Associates Insurance computer network.

Nothing in this policy is intended to grant any right to transmit or send e-mail to, or through, the Porter & Associates Insurance computer network. Porter & Associates Insurance’s failure to enforce this policy in every instance in which it might have application does not amount to a waiver of Porter & Associates Insurance’s rights.

This Web site contains links to other sites. If you choose to use the services provided by those sites, you may be asked by those sites to provide certain personally identifiable information (some of which may, on an individual or aggregated basis, be shared with Porter & Associates Insurance ). Please be aware that Porter & Associates Insurance is not responsible for the privacy practices of those sites, even though Porter & Associates Insurance’s name or logo may appear on those sites. We encourage you to be aware when you leave our site and to read the privacy policies of each and every Web site that you visit, as the privacy policies of those sites may differ from ours. Our Privacy Statement applies solely to this Web site.

Porter & Associates Insurance is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site.

Porter & Associates Insurance appreciates your interest in linking your Web Site (the “Linking Site”) to Porter & Associates Insurance’s Web site, located at www.PorterInsurance.us. In order to avoid misunderstandings regarding the use of Porter & Associates Insurance’s trademarks, trade names and other proprietary information, Porter & Associates Insurance asks that you review and agree to the following guidelines: Third parties are authorized to include active links on Web sites they control to direct a browser to Porter & Associates Insurance’s “home page” at https://www.PorterInsurance.us. However, third parties may not include on their Web sites links to any other page maintained on the PorterInsurance.us Web site unless they have received prior written permission of an officer of Porter & Associates Insurance or unless the Linking Site is an Internet search engine. Framing.

Unless you have received specific written permission from Porter & Associates Insurance , you may not (a) “frame” or otherwise impose editorial comment, commercial material or any type of identification on (or in proximity to) content displayed on the Porter & Associates Insurance Web site (“Porter & Associates Insurance Content”), (b) alter or modify Porter & Associates Insurance Content, or (c) “cut and paste” or otherwise reproduce Porter & Associates Insurance Content on the Linking Site. No Archiving. Your link must be to the current Porter & Associates Insurance site only. In permitting linking, Porter & Associates Insurance does not grant you the right to reproduce, modify, cache or archive the Porter & Associates Insurance Content for any purpose. Link At Your Own Risk. Porter & Associates Insurance makes no representations or warranties regarding the Porter & Associates Insurance Web site, which is provided “as is.”

Linking Sites link to the Porter & Associates Insurance Web site at their own risk. Porter & Associates Insurance is under no obligation to maintain the Porter & Associates Insurance Web site, provide or update Porter & Associates Insurance Content or otherwise support your link to the Porter & Associates Insurance Web site. Termination. Porter & Associates Insurance may revoke this license immediately if you fail to follow these guidelines. Porter & Associates Insurance may revoke this license upon ten (10) days notice without cause.

This web site is provided on as “as is” basis. To the extent permitted by law, Porter & Associates Insurance disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Porter & Associates Insurance does not warrant that the functionality or operation of the Porter & Associates Insurance web site will be uninterrupted or free from error, that any defects in the web site will be corrected, or that the web site or the server(s) that makes it available are free of viruses or other harmful conditions or components.

Porter & Associates Insurance may change the programs or products mentioned at any time without notice. Additionally, all insurance products referred to in this web site are subject to availability and qualifications. Product terms, conditions, and exclusions not described in this web site may apply.

Limitation of Liability – To the extent permitted by law, Porter & Associates Insurance disclaims liability, whether based in contract, tort, negligence, strict liability or otherwise, for damages of any kind (including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, punitive or exemplary damages) in any way arising from the functionality or operation of this web site (including, but not limited to, damages arising from interruptions of service or delay in operation or transmission), even if Porter & Associates Insurance is expressly advised of the possibility of such damages.

Severability – If any provision of these Terms of Use is held invalid, void or unenforceable, then that provision will be considered severable from the remaining provisions, and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.